Research Shows: Secure Emailing Should be Easy

The research into secure emailing was conducted among 402 email users. It has been scientifically carried out by Market Research Agency Kiekendief on behalf of SecuMailer.
The questions are about security, ease of use and communication.
Protection / security
Almost everyone thinks it is important that emails with confidential information are properly secured and more than half think that regular e-mail is not secure enough for this. That is precisely why it is necessary to provide extra security for emails.
This may also be an eye-opener for business email users: Almost all your customers want you to email them securely!
- 73% of the respondents regularly receive confidential information by email.
- 53% consider ordinary e-mail not suitable for sending confidential information.
- 94% think it is important that the e-mails are properly secured.
Ease of use
Secure email often takes place by sending a pick-up message. You know the one: “There is an important message waiting for you”. And then you have to go to a portal or a “my environment” to log in to get the message.
More than half of them like it when emails are simply delivered to the mailbox.
It is also striking that only a quarter of the secure emails are worth it!
- 56% likes it if the email is simply delivered to the mailbox.
- 30% would rather not receive their messages via a pick-up message.
- 28% answered “often” to the statement: was the information in the secure email worthwhile?
If you send a secure email, you naturally want the email to be read. Unfortunately, more than half of people have trouble opening emails via a fetch message.
More than half also sometimes forget to retrieve the message.
And the biggest annoyance: almost everyone finds it annoying when the message is gone after it has been read.
- 56% had problems opening an e-mail via a retrieval message.
- 49% never forget to read a message when it needs to be retrieved.
- 81% say: I don’t like it when a message is deleted after reading it.
Secure emailing should be easy, otherwise you will lose the message and your customer.