With the publication of the NTA 7516 on May 15, 2019, a field standard has been created for sending personal health information by email. Healthcare providers will have to take measures to comply with this standard. (more…)
How can you apply the NTA 7516 with the ease of regular emailing? Does the recipient of your mails have to make an effort to find, open and read them? Then more than half of your messages will be lost....
After all, what is not there cannot leak! Have you ever wondered if it is secure, copy all those confidential emails to a user portal in the cloud to keep them there for a long time together with all other...
The GDPR is the law that has been protecting the privacy of EU citizens since May 2018. All organisations (especially within Europe) must comply with the GDPR. Companies and organisations are obliged under the GDPR to ensure that the information...
In the spring of 2024 SecuMailer was asked to help out with managing the after effects of a sensitive data leak. The results of a highly private health investigation were shared with all recipients of that investigation which was not...
The Dutch Child Protection Services (“Raad voor de Kinderbescherming”), shortened to RvdK, is tasked with investigating and advising on children from the age of twelve who have committed criminal acts. They are there to protect children who grow up under...
The Royal Dutch Automobile Association (ANWB) operates the largest emergency contact center of The Netherlands. Wherever its members encounter problems, be it vehicle related or involving personal health, the ANWB stands ready to help. The ANWB delivers worldwide support via...
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