Secure Mailing 3.0
The most user-friendly solution for securely exchanging emails and documents for both sender and receiver.

With our SaaS solution, you can securely send confidential information. This ensures full compliance with privacy regulations and protects your customers’ sensitive data.
How SecuMailer Works
Think of SecuMailer as your digital mail carrier. You send emails, and we encrypt the content and securely deliver all your emails to the recipient.
Before we deliver, we perform 2FA, and this verification remains valid for 90 days. Then, all emails go directly to the recipient where he expects it: in his inbox.
This approach is unique and innovative: SecuMailer is the first and only one that makes Secure Mailing possible without the need for portals, plugins, or retrieval messages!
Anyone can send emails; SecuMailer handles the rest, ensuring they are always sent securely. No need for plugins, portals, or retrieval messages.
Centrally secured
The security choice doesn’t rest with the sender but with the organization. This prevents data breaches due to human error. Security by default.
100% privacy-proof
After delivery, the emails disappear instantly from our server, with only the delivery confirmation being retained. What isn’t there can’t leak: privacy by design.

Under the hood
SecuMailer is a SaaS solution developed for large organizations. That’s why you don’t need to integrate SecuMailer at the workplace; it operates entirely cloud-based through a connection at the mail server level. This connection not only allows you to work from any professional email environment but also from any device. For instance, you can use Outlook, Google Workspace, or a Microsoft 365 F3 environment. Implementation doesn’t have to take long, typically achievable within 30 minutes.

General features
Optionally, 2FA, in accordance with NTA 7516, can be enabled. All the recipient needs to do for this is to verify himself via an SMS. This verification remains valid for up to 90 days, after which the recipient will continue to receive all secure emails as regular emails without any additional steps. As an organization, you can configure how long you want to keep this verification valid.
Technical features
By default, this verification remains valid for 90 days. This 90-day period can be set by the organization itself.
Information and privacy protection
View the declaration of inclusions and exclusions for NCS 7516.
Service level
• Frequently asked questions
• Release notes
• SLA reports
• Manuals.
Ready for a deep dive?
Of course, there’s much more to tell about our solution. The whitepapers cover everything you want to know after reading this page.
Download our whitepapers below!