Developer Information
SecuMailer has extensive integration options for integration with back-end applications and front-end clients
SecuMailer has a REST API for sending secure emails. Both the GDPR and the NTA 7516 functionality are fully accessible via this API.
The API is documented with OpenAPI specification 3.0.1.
The REST API has webhook functionality, which means that the SecuMailer platform can communicate email events with an HTTPS endpoint of the sender.
The SMTP API is usually the simplest integration option for many backend applications because backend applications often have a provision for an SMTP client on board.
We have successfully integrated for customers with Salesforce, SAP and Centric. We have also successfully integrated with patient file systems such as Medisoft Dossier Manager.
The SecuMailer platform offers insight into email events. This can be done on the basis of a (push) webhook call (see REST API above) and on the basis of a (pull) GraphQL endpoint.
Send and receive with the greatest of ease
Get in touch with us and experience the difference SecuMailer can make for you and your recipients.